Give The Ducks To George

Give The Ducks To George

August / 15/ 2023

One rainy night in September 2022, Amsterdam witnessed a quirky idea hatching in the minds of my coworker Andrew and me – the brilliant notion of covertly placing rubber ducks throughout our office.

Years before, the seed of inspiration had been planted, suggesting the whimsical notion of scattering rubber ducks in unexpected nooks, transforming our workplace into a duck-hunting playground of delight.

As midnight approached, the spark of creativity ignited a frenzy. We scurried through the city, hoping to chance upon an open souvenir shop to fulfill our impromptu whim. After a few attempts, serendipity smiled upon us at the third shop, allowing us to procure 16 rubber ducks for our audacious escapade.

In the act of concealing our quacky comrades, we whimsically decided to pair each newfound duck with a poetic proclamation. These verses found their way onto our company's Slack channel with every duck's discovery. Being developers at heart, it was only natural that we conjured a swift website to house our collection of 16 duck animations, each accompanied by a charming poem. While the endeavor was ambitious for a single night's labor, the best memories often sprout from daring choices – so we pressed on.

By night's end, we had claimed a domain, launched the website, curated 8 unique duck variations, composed corresponding verses, and erected a captivating landing page. Though 16 ducks might have stretched our limits, 8 proved a more manageable feat.

Interestingly, we never unveiled the site to our colleagues to share these verses, but the sheer joy they experienced uncovering the whimsical ducks rendered our efforts truly worthwhile. Our playful antics gifted Andrew and me with an unforgettable night of laughter and camaraderie.

The site remains live, and if you're curious, you can explore it here 🤩.

Click here for live site